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Informed decisions with business simulation!

Simulations are a powerful tool for decision-making and strategy development. They enable the analysis of complex systems and the evaluation of the impacts of various strategies or decisions before they are implemented in the real world. This allows for the minimization of risks, reduction of costs, enhancement of efficiency, and advancement of innovations.
In order for our clients to derive the greatest benefit from simulations, we advise them using a holistic approach. This includes on-site business analysis beforehand to understand the current state and to be able to represent it as accurately as possible in the simulation model, all the way to implementing the desired state after successful application of the simulation.

Applications of simulation

Use Case - Warehouse simulation

Warehouse simulation is a critical component of modern warehouse management, assisting companies in optimizing their operations and increasing efficiency. By utilizing advanced simulation technologies, companies can create realistic models of their warehouse environment and test various scenarios to make informed decisions.

Main benefits of warehouse simulation

Optimization of warehouse layout and design
By simulating different layouts and designs, companies can identify the ideal configuration of their warehouse to optimize material flow and make the most efficient use of warehouse capacity.

Improvement of material flow processes
With the help of simulation, companies can analyze material flow and identify bottlenecks as well as inefficient processes. Through targeted optimizations, they can reduce lead times and increase productivity.

Inventory planning
Warehouse simulation enables companies to develop the optimal inventory strategy, simultaneously minimizing inventory holding costs and maximizing service levels. By simulating various scenarios, companies can evaluate the effects of different inventory management strategies on their operations in advance.
Reduction of risks and costs
Through simulation, companies can identify potential risks and costs associated with warehouse operations and management, and proactively take measures to reduce them. This can help avoid unnecessary expenses and increase the profitability of the business.
Support for investment decisions
Warehouse simulation allows companies to evaluate different investment scenarios and make informed decisions about implementing new technologies or expanding their warehouse infrastructure. This way, they can ensure that their investments deliver the desired ROI. 

Overall, warehouse simulation can support companies in optimizing their warehouse processes, reducing costs, improving customer satisfaction, and strengthening their competitiveness. If you would like to benefit from the advantages of warehouse simulation, contact us today for more information.

Business Cases

The following is a selection of our business cases, providing you with insight into the diversity and effectiveness of our work in the field of simulation.


Where we know our way around.

Inventory optimization in logistics.

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